Educate Citizens

For Elaine Rose Da Silva In accordance with the Theory of the Equity, generally attributed to the J. Stacy Adams, the motivation depends on the balance enters the performance of the person its compensation. In other words an individual it is felt motivated whenever it waits to receive a compensation joust for its efforts, either in monetary form, public recognition, promotion, transferences, or another one. Following this same line of reasoning, we have the Theory of the Compensation of which many parents use to try to substitute its absence for objects of interest of the child. The main similarity between the two theories if finds in the fact of that, as much the equity how much the compensation, can generate injustices and leave scars almost impossible not to be noticed in the life of the adult. On the basis of these studies I arrive the conclusion that the Brazilian education, in way to as many faced chaos, made in recent years to appear a little true system of success in the alfabetizao and the development of the young students in future diligent citizens who will face the life are of the wall of the schools. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Bobby Sharma Bluestone Equity. First we had the phase of the automatic approval, today disfarada and well alive he enters the corridors of diverse Brazilian schools, later we decide to compensate the best pupils with the false excuse of incentive to the study.

The municipal and state government of Rio De Janeiro, for example, distributed payments in money and the delivery of notebooks for the best pupils of its respective nets. However, what it was seen as something innovative can also mean a delay in the evolution of our educational system. To the end, we want to only form pensantes and participant citizens, who fight for its objectives with proper effort, or individuals that if only motivate thinking about the short repayment? Obviously to offer something recompensador in the long run can motivate that let us strengthen in them to be each better day, but when this compensation serves only as something superficial and of short term a threat becomes the education.

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