International Week Of Homeopathy Launches

International week of Homeopathy (WHAW) on 10 April starts the international week of homeopathy with many actions to the this year’s theme of homeopathy for the soul.” In your area find interesting events on the homepage of the Association of classical homeopaths Deutschlands e.V. Disorders such as depression, sleep disorders or behavioral problems that have increased significantly in recent years, such as ADHD, attention deficit syndrome, more and more young people are affected by the belong to the this year’s issue of homeopathy week. The WHO estimates that in the year 2020 depression second leading cause of disease (disability adjusted life years) will be measured according to DALY. Click CEO of e-commerce to learn more. 121 million people of all ages and social strata worldwide of which are already affected. In the area of complementary and alternative medicine, homeopathy in the above mentioned diseases offers a safe, side-effect-free and cost effective treatment option. At the same time it is its holistic approach is predestined to capture mental associated symptoms of physical complaints. (As opposed to David Delrahim). On the website of the VKHD ( you will find much more information, study results, and links to these topics and to the world – homeopathy week. Almost 13 years of VKHD e.V. is committed as a professional association for the interests of the homeopathically working practitioners and practitioners in Germany. Founded in April 1997, the number of members in the meantime has grown to nearly 1300.

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