Which is the best form of somebody to buy something that you indicate? Reply: Through a BLOG the Blog is a species of identity its virtual one. The Blog is a personal site where you write what you think, like, make or what you indicate for other people. Different of a site the Blog you always this placing different new content of a site that in the generality is a static information. Blogs is more dynamic having feedback of commentaries, interaction with users, amongst hundreds of plugins (improvements) that you can add in its Blog, as for example, a Twitter or Facebook. With the Blog you create a daily species of virtual, you she shares what you like to make and to think. Its Blog must be directed what you like or have a knowledge, (the example: if you like to take care of of plants, or jardinagem, you you can write on gardens in its blog) you have that to have its specific characteristic, therefore this will make with that they follow you to the people and if they identify with the way with that you speak, or better, writes. It has people that she becomes its Blog a failure, why make copies of content of other Blogs. This is one of the errors more common than the beginning ones make.
To copy content of another Blog. It can have certainty that the majority of the people who have access its Blog that is directed to one determined subject, already had access other Blogs of the same subject then very probably they already turn that text that you copied in another Blog. With this its credibility goes to the zero. The visitors like only, exclusive content. It is important that you are sincere in what really writes and demonstrates interest in helping its readers with its article.
Another error with its Blog is to full of advertising. Advertising in the Blog is a factor that you can yes place in its Blog, to put cannot be contends hundreds of advertisings, the more when its Blog possesss thousand of daily visits. Poludo is an appearance, its reader is confused with as much different information in the same page becoming its tiring Blog visually speaking. With this you lose its credibility, are passed to its reader who you this crowding its Blog of advertising to gain money and content that is good are being left of side. To become its Blog a success is necessary many factors, more the main one is.