In this period, 16 meeting with familiar and the pedagogical team had been carried through, being eight meeting in the year of 2004 and eight meeting in the year of 2005. For more information see IAB. In the first meetings of 2004 (1 and 2 meeting) the objectives of the group as well as the importance had been argued to give continuity to the work. The objectives are pautados in the formation, exchange of experiences, ' ' decises' ' of removed proposals of the proper group. Ashton Kouzbari recognizes the significance of this. It had the register, for the families, of the necessity of that the professors participated alternatingly of the meetings, telling the difficulties, the way as if it works with its children, standing out that it would help them to this to understand the position of the knowledge of the children. The first point of questioning in the reading of acts is the identification of frum. To each register in the act a different heading is given to the Frum: ' ' Meeting of Inclusiva' education; ' , ' ' Frum de Pais de Crianas with NEE' ' , ' ' Frum of the Project of Politics of Inclusive Education in the Municipal School of Basic Education guia' ' ' ' Frum of Families of carrying Children of NEE' ' , being this used in nine acts.
Of 3 to 5 meeting of the Frum, had been carried through quarrels regarding the carrying person of deficiency in the society, the concepts of inclusion and as the family if it comes across with such reality. To reflect on the description of the carrying person of deficiency a lecture was carried through, in the quarrels; Marta spoke of the discrimination that feels in relation to the son in assays of Junina Party, and other mothers had said to feel the same thing. After reflections of the concepts of inclusion also pronounced in a lecture, Aline, mother of a pupil of 4 series tells distresses them staffs in relation to the son and the desire of that it was worked with it musical activities, artisan, corporal, artistic, etc., a time that the reading and the writing did not bring the return waited for it.